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Peixian Subsidiary

Peixian Subsidiary Company is the leading enterprise in Xuzhou City. It is located at the junction of artificial river along the river of Peixian and Dongwai Ring Road of Peixian in the downstream of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It is the core force to solve the water environmental pollution in the urban area of Peixian and one of the key projects of pollution control in the national South-to-North Water Transfer Project. The designed daily sewage treatment capacity is 55,000 tons. The service scope is the catchment area along the upper reaches of the river and the whole urban area of Peixian County. The service area is about 50 square kilometers, and the service population is about 400,000. It plays a vital role in stabilizing the water quality of the state-controlled section along the river and energy saving and emission reduction in the county. In April, 2013, with the approval of the county government, the company carried out a bid-raising transformation for the subsidiary company of Peixian County. In October, 2013, the company passed the acceptance test of Peixian Environmental Testing Station smoothly. The effluent indicators met or surpassed the first-level A discharge standard. In August 2018, with the approval of the county government, Peixian Subsidiary Company was implemented the energy-increasing technical transformation project to improve the water intake index, increase the process treatment tank, sedimentation tank, rotary filter and replace energy-saving low-noise equipment, increase deodorization facilities, etc. It was awarded the title of "Excellent Enterprise in Operation and Management" by the Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Department of Jiangsu Province for the first time, and "Model Enterprise" by the Peixian County Government.

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